Okay, what should I start this with...
First of all, I'm gonna stop using Blogger, doesn't mean I'm gonna stop writing. I'm just moving to Wordpress (because I feel like it). This blog has recorded 5+ years of my experience, a lot of stuff happened, and I feel fulfilled that I had the time to take care of this blog. I feel kinda different now, well not literally now, I mean in the last few months. I don't have any exact reason, but for the sake of professionalism, I guess? Yeah, I'm moving to Wordpress, because I feel like I have changed this blog one too many times already, and I don't wanna change it further. I'll probably keep writing this way, though. There's just some new ideas I wanna implement, that I feel Wordpress would be a more suitable platform for it. So yeah, that's that.
I'm slowly moving towards re-designing my Soundcloud also. Well, I don't know if I'll be still using Soundcloud later, but that was the plan anyway. I'm trying to make some kind of... character, I guess? For the Soundcloud, that is. That character would be my starting point to whatever I wanna do next, probably still covers, making songs is hard work, dood. I'm having a lot of fun doing it lately, tho. I'm still trying to convert from FL Studio (the one I've been using for like, I don't know, the last 2 years?) to Ableton Live, which is actually a good decision now that I think about it. I also played a lot with Vocaloid, so you might see that soon too. But, all the music thingy will be done after the writing thingy. So yeah, that's that.
So yeah...
This blog was really fun to work on, and I just feel like it's the time to let it be. I remember writing the first post as a really awkward teenage mutant ninja turtle boy who was too shy to even let people read his writing. Now, I'm feeling more open, I guess? Like, a lot more open, I don't know how that happened. Five-years-ago me sucks anyway, so I'm glad I'm this way now. So yeah, if you enjoy my writing, expect my Wordpress soon? I'll probably leave the link here later when it's up and running. For now, let's wrap it up with a quote.
"Because closing one page might bring up a whole new chapter."
- Andri Kurniawan a.k.a Cloudle
Dalam hujan kulantunkan nyanyian
Langgam rindu akan rasa gita
Bisingnya kesepian menggigit lidahku
Jatuhku lebih dalam ke genangan kemuakan
Tak pernah kusuarakan rintihku
Di bawah rintik amarah tanpa alamat
Mestinya kujawab semua tanya dalam matamu
Menjabar perasaan dan keutamaan
Aku tak dapat menafasmu
Membakar bayangmu pada bulan yang tersipu
Namun hasratku bukanlah bertahan
Karena di setiap cabikan dunia yang menelanku
Hanya namamu yang kutemukan
Kawanan awan muram meniru dedaunan yang lama melenyap
Saat ku menengadah dan meresapi senyap
Lubuk hatiku ingin menjerit percaya
Namun dengan setiap langkah yang menjauhi idiosinkrasi
Kutemukan diriku bersandar pada kenyataan
anomali pada minggu pagimu,
Andri Kurniawan