A Story of Sweets


"Please give them a taste then, Amai," the boy said as he took out a tray of baked sweets from the oven.

The girl blinked with enthusiasm when the sweets are finally served on the table.

"Be careful, though. They are still hot, you should wait for a minute or so." He took off his mittens and sat right next to the girl.

The girl stares at the sweets weirdly, like having a concern that they were moving.

The boy laughed a little. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. Their shapes aren't so great, but it's the taste that really matters, right?"

The girl nodded with a faint smile. She took a piece of namagashi and began clenching them with her hands. She stopped for a while to put the pastry back onto the tray, her palm was red because it was still hot. But then, she continued pushing and pulling the still-warming cake. Finally, she opened her hands to show a beautifully rose-shaped namagashi.

"Wow! I never thought you could shape them that good!" The boy couldn't help but to grin.

The girl finally puts the namagashi in her mouth. She closes her eyes while sweetness pours all over her taste buds.

"So, how was it?" the boy asked eagerly.

"Yaku," the girl called with a timid smile. "You give the taste and I'll give the shape."

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