

AWESOME NEWS, GUYS! I entered a global writing competition yesterday, I just wanted to gather some experiences from it, but I got a better result than I could ever expect! And, Yus, I won, I didn't get any prize or anything, but it sure does boost a lot to my confidence in writing. Here goes my story, hope you'll like it!

If I was A Raindrop, Would You Be My Thunderstorm?

“Jake!” called a voice from outside of my bedroom, finally able to drag me back into the reality. My fingers are still plucking on the strings of my classical guitar, and before I knew it, I end up with another melody for a song. I put my guitar on the floor and opened the door, there was my roommate, Shawn. “God, how many times do I have to call you before you open the door?”
“I was busy, okay? It’s your fault for interrupting,” I replied, walking directly back into my bed, picking up back my guitar on the way. “I thought you went home already.”
“I was on my way, but I left my house key somewhere it is!” He held his keys in the air like it was something to be proud about. “Aren’t you going back to your hometown, Jake?”
“I am. Tomorrow.” I was already plucking on my guitar strings again. “Be careful on the way.”
“Will do. Make sure you don’t rot in this dormitory, now,” he said, walking away, leaving the door open.
I get up from my bed to close the damned door, before putting my guitar back, but this time into it’s case. I make sure that I don’t leave anything important behind, before going back home tomorrow morning, and then turned off the lights. I lie awake in my bed, with phone in hands, typing lyrics that would suit the melody I just made earlier. And just like that, the night passes by.

I woke up by the lights peering in from the gap in the middle of the two curtains, phone still in hands. My phone was out of battery, but I couldn’t care less since no one would call me anyway. I took a peek outside of the window, the view I’m seeing from my room which is on the 3rd floor of the dormitory, was the city covered by a cloudburst, the dark sky looked like it would bring a cataclysm in just a minute or so.
I took a quick shower and grabbed all my things, which is my guitar case and some other little objects like my phone, wallet, and keys. I don’t even bother bringing some clothes back, because I left enough clothes home for everyday use. I wore my hoodie and went outside into the somewhat gloomy city, but somehow it feels peaceful to me.
After a 2-hours flight, I landed my feet on my hometown grounds. It’s been 2 years since I last graduated highschool and left this place to go into the university. I went directly to my home to put all the things I’ve been carrying, then I go back out to the town for some sightseeing. I went to a park which is located right across of my high school. I used to sit on a bench here everyday after school, watching her from afar, waiting for her to go home. The last days of high school were a lot more memorable, though. She used to sit here with me, discussing anything that we can discuss about, from the little things like the shape of the clouds, to the important ones like family problems.
She was, the only thing I can say, what completes me. She was the popular girl, lots of friends, and cheerful. I was nobody, the reject and gloomy. I can’t even remember what got us hooked up to each other, the only thing I know is we waited for the bus every after school on the same place. Here, right outside of the park. Other than that, is the fact that we both love books. Well, she loves discussing about it and I love reading it as she talks to me about it. Everything ended nearing our graduation, I fought with her over something silly, something asking her out. I never really consider having any serious relationship while I was still in high school, but I just really wanted to see her more often, like when it’s weekend or any day off. She didn’t reject me, in fact, she accepted me, saying that she loves me no matter how the others going to respond to our relationship. We even enjoyed the prom night together, but after that, I just can’t get to her anymore. As soon as we set foot into different paths, I lost contact of her.
I looked around the park once more, ignoring the fact that I’m not really waiting for someone to show up. I went home before the night falls, trying to stop myself from seeing her face everywhere in the crowd. By the time I get into my room, I tossed myself into the bed, covering my eyes with my right arm. I should really stop thinking about her, I thought to myself. With that, I took my guitar out from it’s case, and have the lyrics I made in my phone ready. I started singing through the night, before I realize, I’m stuck with writing songs just to forget what they really were about.
I woke up in a dream, sitting in a bench under the open sky. She was there, wearing a summer hat and a white one-piece dress, trying to tell me something. I can see her lips moving, but I can’t hear her voice at all. She started walking away and by the time I lost sight of her back, I realize that it was not the cities between us that’s keeping us apart, but it has always been the distance in our hearts.

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